
Mother of the Grad

In my previous post, I mentioned something about a certain Mom/neighbour that came to her son’s photo shoot wearing fuzzy pink PJ’s and bed hair.  She has agreed (Sarah, you owe her a Bellini) to let me share this precious photo with you all….

This is EXACTLY why I love you girl….

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We moved into our home in Leduc three years ago.  It didn’t take me long to realize that I have the BEST neighbours ever.  Hands down.  They rock.

Meet Jordan.  He’s my neighbour and he graduated this past week-end.  Woop, Woop!  Of the three years that I’ve lived across the street from him, it took me two years to see him in person…outside.     Either I’m not outside that often, or he prefers his teenage basement cave.  Either way, we have enjoyed getting to know him this year.

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By the way, you may remember his parents who were the feature of a Trash the Dress shoot  I did last year. 

Anywhoooo, back to Jordan.  His Mom asked me to take “A Photo or TWO”.  Ummmmm, yah…never ask a photographer to take a couple of photos if you actually want a couple of photos.  That’s not how I roll.

In the middle of our mini-session, Jordan’s phone rang and he said (and I quote): 
“Can I call you back?  I’m in the middle of a photo-shoot.”  lol

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This set of photos seems incomplete to me as I happened to get a shot of Jordan with his Mom.  What makes this photo special is the fact she walked across the street to my little studio in her fuzzy flannel PJ’s and bed hair and posed for a photo with her son because she’s fun like that (that’s why I love her).  Maybe if we razzz her a little, she’ll let me blog that one.  If not, you’ll have to use your imagination 😉

Congrats Jordan!  Here’s to more memories outside the walls of your teenage basement cave.

Website Launch!

I know I’ve been talking about my website for months now…..

I’m happy to announce that my website has finally gone live! 



Stop by for a visit!

Thanks for your patience and support 🙂


Meet Paige.

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She’s going to graduate this week-end.  I asked her Mom if it all goes by as fast as they say it does.  She told me it really does.   You blink your eye and they’ve gone and grown up.  Mom is so proud of her beautiful grad and I could see it in her eyes as she watched me take pictures of her daughter.

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Meet Paige’s escort Shaun.  We didn’t know how to tie his tie.  We actually had to call in reinforcements (Paige’s Dad) to come and tie it! 

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Congratulations!  Have a wonderful time at Grad!

A couple of weeks ago, we got together for Part 1 so we could capture S.’s Henna Belly!   Part 2 was shot this past week-end, featuring the whole family.  It was Mother’s Day week-end and what a great way to celebrate it!

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Meet Little J.  She’s soon going to welcome a little brother or sister into her home.

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They call her “Bean”.

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She was explaining to me that her stuffie named Clive “Mooo’s”.  It does not “Baaaa” like I wondered.

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hmmmm…do you hear anything?

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She is most anxiously waiting to give her new sibling this cute little monkey.

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I can’t wait to find out if this is a girl or a boy.  I’m thinking boy.  Only a few more days until we find out!!!

This photo made me smile today while I was editing. 

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Meet Little A.


She is now 2!!! She is also the subject of my very first blog post 🙂  I’ve had the pleasure of watching her grow this past year. 



She enjoys “reading” her Elmo book (she makes her teacher/mommy very proud!)


And she’s really into these sticky little froggies that she enjoys throwing and sticking to the roof.


She talks a lot for a 2 year old…


but she does stop for little breaks…


Isn’t she a doll?


We ended our session with a little play outside with my daughter.   She’s peaking through the playhouse door in this shot.

I’m so glad that I get to capture all these milestones in her life.  Thank you for that Mom and Dad!

A New Brother!

Congratulations to Levi who is now a big brother (and what a wonderful big brother he will be!)  His little brother made his grand entrance into the world this past week-end.  I can’t wait to meet him.  Congrats Mom & Dad…good work!


My studio space isn’t very big.  I have to get creative when finding the angles, and this means sometimes going into different areas of my living room to get the angle I want (especially with you tall peeps!).  I never realized what this may look like to the subject getting their picture taken. 

So this shot was taken while I was trying to shoot around my plant area.  S. told me I looked like I was hiding and peeking through the leaves.  This one is for you…


Later when we went outside, I was also shooting upside down with my head in the grass…a girls got to do what a girls got to do to get the right angle!  Someday, oooh someday, I dream about a studio space complete with areas of natural light…

Henna Belly!

My friend S. is going to have baby #2 soon.  To celebrate this pregnancy she visited a Henna Artist to beautify her perfectly round belly.  This is 1/2 of the session.  Part 2…complete with adorable little girl and smiling hubby is coming soon!

I’ve never photographed Henna Artwork before!  Thank you S. for giving me the opportunity.  I’m looking forward to the rest of your session!






Thankfully, S. enjoys my obsession with sun-flare! 🙂